Woman dies after being hit by bike in Kulgam village

 Tragedy struck the village of Redwani Payeen in Kulgam district of south Kashmir as a woman lost her life after being hit by a motorcyclist on Wednesday afternoon.

According to an official statement provided to Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the incident occurred in the vicinity of Redwani Payeen in Qaimoh during the afternoon hours. The victim has been identified as Hajera Banoo, a 45-year-old woman, who was the wife of Khurshid Ahmad Khanday from Danav Bogund.

Eyewitnesses reported that an unknown motorcyclist collided with Hajera Banoo, leading to severe injuries. Immediate assistance was sought, and she was promptly transported to the Primary Health Center (PHC) in Qaimoh. Tragically, despite the efforts made by medical professionals, the victim was declared deceased upon arrival.

Law enforcement authorities have taken swift action by registering a case in connection with the incident. An investigation has been initiated to determine the circumstances surrounding the collision and to identify the motorcyclist responsible for the unfortunate incident

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