
JKBOSE Declares Class 10 Board Exam 2023 Results; Check Here

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has officially released the results of the Class 10 Board Examinations for the year 2023. Th…

Heat Wave Claims 103 Lives in Ballia District of Uttar Pradesh

The district of Ballia in Uttar Pradesh has been grappling with a distressing surge in fatalities attributed to a heat wave over the past nine days. …

Kashmiri Youth's Alleged Murder in Saudi Arabia Sparks Family's Demands for Justice

The recent death of 24-year-old Zakir Nabi Bhat, a Kashmiri youth working in Saudi Arabia as a JCB operator, has sparked allegations of murder by his…

Discovery of Predator Alligator Gar Fish in Srinagar’s Dal Lake Triggers Surprise

The discovery of an alligator gar, a non-native predator fish usually found in North America, in Srinagar's Dal Lake has surprised experts and tr…
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