In a tragic incident in the picturesque subdivision of Paddar in the Kishtwar district, a landslide has resulted in the loss of over 287 sheep. The unfortunate event took place near the Ishtari area, where two shepherds were leading their flock on a seasonal journey through the mountains of Paddar.
The shepherds, Neeraj Singh, son of Uttam Singh from Joura Kalan of Kahara Tehsil, and another individual, had embarked on their customary journey to graze their sheep in the lush pastures of the Paddar region. However, their expedition turned into a tragedy when a massive landslide struck, causing a significant loss of life among the flock.
Eyewitnesses Neeraj Singh and another individual |
Kulbant Singh, another shepherd who had handed over the flock to Neeraj Singh in the morning, provided a harrowing account of the catastrophic event to The Chenab Times. He described how they were peacefully traversing the mountains, unaware of the impending danger. Suddenly, a powerful landslide occurred without warning, burying a large number of their sheep under rocks, debris, and earth.
Rescue efforts are currently underway, with local authorities coordinating a response to locate and retrieve the bodies of the deceased animals. The official death toll currently stands at over 287 sheep, although final confirmation is still pending. The rugged and remote terrain of the Paddar area poses significant challenges for the rescue teams, who are working diligently to recover as many of the sheep as possible.
Local officials have expressed their condolences to the affected shepherds and their families, assuring them of all possible assistance during this difficult time. Efforts are also being made to provide necessary support to the surviving sheep and their owners, including access to veterinary care and alternative grazing arrangements.
The loss of over 287 sheep in the devastating landslide has dealt a significant blow to the shepherds and the local community in the Paddar region. The incident highlights the risks faced by those engaged in traditional livelihoods in the mountainous areas, emphasizing the need for continued support and proactive measures to mitigate such unfortunate events in the future.