In a move that has sparked outrage and controversy, the Dahod Smart City administration in Gujarat demolished a century-old mosque along with seven other places of worship as part of a road widening project under the Smart City initiative. The demolition took place on Saturday, despite efforts by the Masjid Trust to seek relief from the Gujarat High Court and produce land records.
The demolition operation commenced at 4.30 am with a heavy police presence, deploying around 450 police personnel to ensure security. Officials claim that the mosque was demolished in a peaceful and amicable manner, stating that the Trust had failed to produce reliable land records despite being granted an extension.
The Masjid Trust had engaged in discussions with local authorities, agreeing to evacuate the premises and demolish the structure themselves. The police did not need to enter the premises as the Trust had already evacuated the structure. However, the Trust claims that additional shops belonging to them were demolished without any prior notice, even though notices were issued to nearby shops for alleged encroachment.
The Trust has filed a petition with the Gujarat High Court, arguing that the mosque was a Waqf property and the approval of the Waqf Board should have been obtained before taking such action. They further stated that the mosque had stood on their land since 1926, and the land itself had been registered in 1953. However, due to the ongoing summer vacation at the court, the petition has yet to be officially registered.
Shortly after the demolition of the mosque, four temples and three other dargahs were also demolished, adding to the controversy and intensifying the public outcry. Critics argue that the destruction of these historic and religious sites represents a disregard for cultural heritage and raises concerns about religious harmony in the region.
The Trust plans to approach the court, requesting the maintenance of the status quo ante following the demolitions. Meanwhile, activists and religious leaders have voiced their concerns, calling for a thorough investigation into the legality of the demolitions and urging authorities to take steps to preserve the rich heritage and religious diversity of Gujarat.
As the controversy unfolds, the fate of these demolished sites of worship remains uncertain, leaving many to question the priorities and decision-making processes of the Smart City initiative in Gujarat.