The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) initiated raids today at various locations in Delhi-NCR, including the residence of Sunak Bali, the former private press secretary to ex-Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik. The raids are part of an ongoing investigation into the alleged corruption case involving Reliance Insurance, amounting to Rs 60 crore.
According to Satya Pal Malik, Sunak Bali was not an official government employee but rather his personal associate. The case revolves around a health insurance scheme that Malik was purportedly coerced into promoting. During his tenure as the Jammu and Kashmir Governor from August 23, 2018, to October 30, 2019, Malik claims that he was offered a bribe to expedite the approval of certain files.
Last year, the CBI filed a case related to this matter and carried out raids across six states. The investigation has since progressed, leading to today's raid at Sunak Bali's residence. The CBI is probing the alleged involvement of Bali and other individuals in facilitating the corruption scheme.
The case originated from a written communication received on March 23, 2022, from Dr. Mohammad Usman Khan, JKAS, Deputy Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department. The communication raised concerns about malpractices in awarding a contract for the Employees Health Care Insurance Scheme to Reliance General Insurance Corporation Limited.
A CBI source stated, "The allegations mentioned in the written communication prima facie disclosed that unknown officials of the Finance Department of the Government of J&K, by abusing their official positions in conspiracy and connivance with Trinity Reinsurance Brokers Ltd., Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd., and other unknown public servants, committed the offences of Criminal Conspiracy and Criminal Misconduct to cause pecuniary advantage to themselves. They caused wrongful loss to the state exchequer between 2017 and 2018, thereby cheating the Government of J&K."
After conducting a preliminary inquiry, the CBI registered a case under sections 120-B read with sections 420 of RPC (Ranbir Penal Code) and Section 5(2), Section 5(1)(d) of the J&K PC Act (Prevention of Corruption Act). The investigation into the matter is still ongoing.
The CBI's latest raids at Sunak Bali's residence and other locations signify a significant step forward in uncovering the truth behind the alleged corruption case. The agency remains committed to conducting a thorough and impartial investigation to bring those involved to justice and restore the public's trust in the system.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the available details of the case and may be subject to change as the investigation progresses.