
NIA Conducts Nationwide Raids Targeting Terror-Narcotics Smugglers-Gangsters Nexus

In a major operation, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted searches at over 100 locations in six states—Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Utta…

Ravneet Kaur Appointed as Chairperson of Competition Commission of India

In a significant development, Ravneet Kaur, a 1988 Punjab cadre IAS officer, has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Competition Commission of I…

Kupwara Woman Injured in Srinagar Road Accident, Shifted to JVC Hospital for Treatment

A woman from Kupwara, Raja Begum, was injured in a road accident near the SDA office in Bemina area of Srinagar on Tuesday. The incident occurred whe…

How to Lose Weight or Get Fit: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Losing Weight or Getting Fit is Important There are several reasons why it's necessary to lose weight or become in shape. Your health, energy…

How to Build a Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choose Your Website Building Platform The first step in building a website is choosing a platform that fits your needs. Some popular website builders…

How to Make Money Online: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Making money online is now a realistic alternative for many people living in the digital age. There are a ton of alternatives accessible, whether you…

Understanding the Role of Religion in Kashmir: Exploring the Diversity and Influence of Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism

Religion's Importance in Kashmir In Kashmir, religion has significantly influenced the social and cultural landscape. The main religions prevalen…

Women of Kashmir: Their Contributions, Challenges and Opportunities

For many years, the region of Kashmir has seen conflict and political unrest. Women have made tremendous contributions to forming and sustaining thei…
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